ZEALANDIA - The Lost Continent

We all know that 7 continents together make up this earth. But do you know that there is also an eighth continent which is still looking for its existence? However, the evidence for the eighth continent is mostly hidden underwater.
Zealandia - 5 million square kilometers (2 million-square-mile) placed in the east of Australia and beneath New Zealand, Zealandia continent first discovered by the scientists in 1990 got formal continent status in 2017. Almost 95% of its landmass is submerged thousands of feet beneath the Pacific Ocean.
8th continent
Zealandia Topography

Te Riu-a-Māui, as it's referred to in the indigenous Māori language, the submerged continent Zealandia separated from supercontinent Gondwanaland about 80 million years ago. The landmass may have been completely submerged by about 23 million years ago. Most of this continent is underwater but Ball Pyramid, near Lord Howe Island, is a place where it rises above sea level. 
Ball Pyramid, Lord Howe Island

Much of that terrestrial land form the two large islands of the country of New Zealand, the North Island and the South Island. All in all this lost continent is still trying to establish its identity.


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