Dependency Over China

Globalization has made the world a more dependent and integral place, but it is this globalization that has made many countries ignorant of their potential. During this challenging time of the pandemic, the world now realized how dependent it had become over China, even for something it did not need. Now all countries are waking up to the dangers of dependence over other nations, particularly with China. When we talk about manufacturing, pharmaceutical, technical, and electronic industries, we easily find ourselves dependent on one country China. 

This dependency in the time of health crisis has been highlighted by the issue of medical supplies, most of which we import from China, including important but simple products like masks, eyewear, API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients), etc. There is nothing wrong with this whole scenario, every country wants its global recognition as a top-level nation but the way a nation chooses a way to be better than others can be objectionable. 

Every nation needs to reassure itself at certain points for example: 

Are they heavily dependent on China? 

And what are the different ways to reduce this dependency without bearing major economic blows? 

We must remember that globalization is the interdependence of nations worldwide through free trade, not overdependence of world over one nation. 


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