Telepathy - The Sixth Sense

The brain transmits messages through the nerves in the form of electrical signals. But When we have to share our thoughts with someone else, the only way we know is by speaking. What would it be like if we were able to share our thoughts with someone far away from us without any electronic device?  Telepathy is the first thing that comes to our mind on hearing. The word "telepathy" is made up of two terms "tele" meaning "distance" and "pathy" meaning "passion,emotion". So telepathy means receiving feelings, emotions, or sentiments through distance. More technically - communication of two brains at a distance without the use of five known senses (Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch) or any communication device. 


At some point, all of us have experienced telepathy. Maybe you were thinking about people you hadn't talked to in months & you abruptly got a phone call or message from them or when two people are together, they can say the same thing at the same time. These are natural mind connections that transpire between closely related selves and they are considerably frequent. A telepathic relationship arises from the concept that all beings originate from the same source. 


Each one of us born with the telepathic ability it depends upon us how well we use it. If a person is distracted by distinct things like if they are engaged in rational activities, they are not going to have the clear mind required for telepathy. The best states are calm and free mind, distraction-free and quiet surroundings, and clear thoughts. Meditation can help to ease the mind and body and make you more amenable to collecting and conveying telepathic communications.

brain telepathy


Once you got command over your thoughts, emotions and you feel that your thoughts are clear, the mind is free from the surrounding, you have good physical & mental balance, you're ready to go. When attempting to project a message telepathically, imagine the recipient in detail. Assume, that you are standing in front of them and imagine a view of communicating them like you are talking to them in real.

While practicing telepathy, keep in mind that similar to any skill, it demands time and experience to perceive it right. It will not happen overnight. As we know that Practice makes a man perfect.


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