YOGA - Path To New You

Strength, harmony, mindfulness, and awareness of the body as well as the mental state, the easiest way to achieve these all parameters together is YOGA or Yuj (in Sanskrit / origin of the word Yoga). 

How would you define Yoga?

Well, there isn't any specific definition of yoga. For different people, it could be a spiritual practice for others a way to remain flexible for some a meditation practice or wellbeing, and even a form of healing so basically yoga is connecting with your body & soul through various physical and spiritual practices.

yoga exercises

Where it comes from?

The history of Yoga is vast it has many places of vagueness due to the oral transmission of sacred texts and the secretive nature of its teachings but if we go according to certain facts yoga originated in INDIA. The practice of yoga has been in existence during pre-Vedic Indian traditions(Ancient India) probably throughout the Indus Valley Civilization around 2700 BCE. Yoga is mentioned in the Rigveda(Veda, which means "knowledge" is the oldest text in Hinduism. ), and also in the Upanishads (the last part of the Vedas or the oldest scriptures of Hinduism).

According To Yogic Culture :

In Yogic culture, Shiva (one of the trinity of Hindu Gods) is known not as a god, but as the originator of yoga, Adiyogi or Yogi. He is considered to be one of the origins of the entire concept of yoga and meditation.


“Fire is his head, the sun and moon his eyes, space his ears, the Vedas his speech, the wind his breath, the universe his heart. From his feet, the Earth has originated. Verily, he is the inner self of all beings.”

— The Upanishads


Types of Yoga

What's the first thing that comes to your mind whenever you heard yoga? Asanas (physical exercises), Pranayama (yogic breathing), etc. But yoga is not just about asanas and breathing exercises, there are various popular forms of Yoga practiced in India. You may not have heard of many of these but all of these are different versions and forms of yoga that are commonly practiced.

  1. Kundalini Yoga - Physical, mental and spiritual discipline that combines the highest physical and meditative patterns.
  2. Ashtanga Yoga - Eight-fold path of yoga where the term Ashtanga denotes eight limbs - Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.
  3. Hatha Yoga - 'Ha' refers to the vital force driving the physical body and 'tha' refers to the mental force, which makes Hatha Yoga the catalyst for the awakening of two energies.
  4. Raja Yoga - Cultivation of the mind using the process of meditation to experience reality, Management of mental and emotional conflicts, and development of awareness through different meditation techniques, postures & breathing methods.
  5. Jnana Yoga - Jnana (Gyan or knowledge) yoga is the process of converting intellectual knowledge into practical knowledge. Primary objective - self-realization.
  6. Swara Yoga - Swara means Sound or note. It is the attainment of cosmic consciousness through control and manipulation of breath.
  7. Kriya Yoga - Kriya means activity. It helps to generate the spiritual feeling within the performer.
  8. Karma Yoga - Karma (action) yoga leads to selflessness. It is highly difficult to achieve. "The world confined in its activity except when actions are performed as worship of God. Therefore one must perform every action sacramentally and be free of your attachments to the results." - Bhagavad Gita
  9. Mantra Yoga - All the verses in Vedas are called mantra. Chanting the mantras during performing yoga.
  10. Bhakti Yoga - Complete faith in the supreme irrespective of any form or religion. It leads to self-realization.

Benefits Of Yoga

  • Reduces Stress
  • Relieving Anxiety
  • Physical Fitness
  • Boost Confidence
  • Strength Gaining
  • Leads to better posture
  • Increases Concentration
  • Self-realization

& there are many more in the list but one thing is sure yoga helps you the way you want, this ancient Indian practice makes you feel your soul. Start practicing now and be a little thankful to your body & soul.


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