5G - The New Era ?

To meet future demands, we need more robust, more reliable networks for mobile connectivity. An increase in urbanization all over the world is leading us towards higher levels of virtuality. The mobile industry is evolving and preparing to deploy 5G. In the last 30 years, the mobile industry has demonstrated its ability to transform society through 2G, 3G, and 4G. 

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GSMA expects the commercial 5G network to be deployed on a large scale after 2020. Technically, the aspiration for 5G is to deliver 1 Gbps speed. In addition to improving our smartphones, 5G mobile technology can combine modern immersive experiences such as VR and AR with faster, more consistent data rates, and more economical cost-per-bit. Basically, the 5G era will be known as limitless connectivity and smart automation for each, a difficult but achievable task.

5G Technology

Not An Easy Task

However, if we look at the basics it will not be that easy. 
  • On one hand, in various parts of the globe, even though 4G is not fully developed, accomplishing the dream of 5G is in itself a challenging task.
  • In August 2019, a United States court decided that new development projects for 5G towers could not be facilitated without examining the environmental impact and historic preservation outcomes of that construction.
  • Security and Privacy - This is one of the most critical challenges that 5G needs to ensure the security of individual data. 5G will have to define uncertainties related to security threats including certainty, secrecy, cybersecurity, which are increasing worldwide.


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