GDP stands for "Gross Domestic Product" and represents the total monetary value of all final goods and services produced (and traded in the market) within a country through a particular period, generally given as per year it is sometimes calculated quarterly as well. 

Key Points

  • The modern concept of GDP was first developed by Simon Kuznets.
  • GDP portrays the economic outlook of a country, which is used to evaluate the size and growth rate of an economy.
  • The entire GDP can be broken down into the contribution of each industry or sector of the economy.
  • GDP can be estimated in three ways using expenditure, production, or income. It can be customized for expansion and population to provide more profound insights.

gross domestic product


  1. The United States of AmericaThe U.S.A has kept its position as the world's largest economy since 1871. The size of the US economy is nearly $ 21 trillion, which is about a quarter of the global economy.
  2. China - China has undergone exponential growth over the past several decades and has emerged as a manufacturing hub of the world. In 1980, China was the seventh-largest economy with a GDP of $ 305.35 billion, while the size of the US was $ 2.86 million then. In 2018, the Chinese GDP comprised $ 13.37 trillion.
  3. Japan - Japan is the third-largest economy in the world, with its GDP passing the $5 trillion target in 2019. Japan's labor force consisted of around 65 million workers.
  4. Germany - Germany is not just the largest economy in Europe but also the most potent. Globally, it is the fourth-largest economy with a GDP of $ 4 trillion.
  5. India - India is the fastest-growing trillion-dollar economy in the world. Fifth largest overall with a GDP of $ 2.94 trillion. The Indian economy was just $189.438 billion in 1980, ranking 13th on the list globally. But now it has surpassed the United Kingdom and France. Its service sector is the fastest-growing sector in the world, adding over 60% to its economy and accounting for 28% of employment.


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