BLACK HOLES: Nothing but everything

It's believed most galaxies have monstrous black holes at their core. Black holes can grow throughout their lives.
A black hole is a place where gravity pull is so strong that even light can not get out & the gravity is so strong because the matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying. 

Black Holes Formation 

Stars with mass at least three times greater than that of our Sun's can undergo extreme gravitational collapse once their fuel exhaust. With that much mass in a limited volume, the collective force of gravity overcomes the rule that restricts the building blocks of atoms from occupying the same space. Hence a Black Hole gets created. Although there are many more theories like Some of the scientists think the smallest black holes formed when the universe began. 

How We Find A Black Hole?

Because no light can get out, people can't see black holes. They are invisible. Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes. The special tools can see how stars that are very close to black holes act differently than other stars.

Types As Per Size 

Black holes vary as per their size for example there are mainly three types of black holes as of now :

  1. Stellar black holes - relatively small, but incredibly dense. Stellar black holes consume the dust and gas from their surrounding galaxies, which keeps them growing in size. 1000's of these kinda may lurk within our own Milky Way Galaxy. 
  2. Supermassive black holes - millions or billions of times as massive as the sun but the same in diameter. It is assumed that they lie at the center of every galaxy even Milky Way Have one such Black Hole. Supermassive black holes may be the result of hundreds or thousands of tiny black holes that merge together.
  3. Intermediate black holes - Midsize black holes, such bodies could form when stars in a cluster collide in a chain reaction.

Black holes don't suck. Suction is caused by pulling something into a vacuum, which the massive black hole definitely is not. Instead, objects fall into them just as they fall toward anything that exerts gravity, like the Earth.

black hole universe


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