General NO-ledge

gk questions
      §       Who has been named as the youngest self-made billionaire of all time by Forbes magazine?
§        Which Is The Only Country With More Than 600 Billionaires?
§        Which Is The World’s Longest Non-Polar Glacier?
§        Where Is The World’s Highest Battlefield Located?
§        Near About 30% of the World’s Land Mass Belongs To Which Continent?
§        Cricket is included in the sports event for the 2022 Asian Games, which is to be held in …….
§        Which Is The Richest Country In The World As Per 2018?
§        Which Indian secured 13th position in Forbes ultra-rich list?
current news

§        The great Victoria Desert is located in …….
§        Ethiopia Is Located In Which Continent?
§        NABARD Stands For - ……….
§        Which Country Is The Leading Electricity Producer In The World?
§        BioAsia 2019-Asia's largest Life-sciences and healthcare forum held at ……
§        Highest Ever T20 International Score In a Single Innings Belongs to ……
§        SpaceX launched Israel’s first moon lander Beresheet from?
§       Who has been appointed as Saudi Arabia’s first female ambassador to the United States?


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