Chandrayaan 2 - Another Milestone For INDIA

INDIA has successfully launched its second lunar mission  " Chandrayaan 2 ". The Indian Space Research Organisation Globally Known As ISRO bears fruit in the recent mission and makes the country feel extremely proud once again.
Chandrayaan 2 will go to the Moon's south polar region where no other nation has gone till now.
Chandrayaan - 2 was successfully launched at 02:43 local time (09:13 GMT) on 22nd July from Sriharikota space station.
"It is the beginning of a historical journey of India towards the moon," said ISRO Chief after the launch.
Chandrayaan - 2 was supposed to be launched on 15 July but the mission stopped near about an hour before launch when the team found a technical issue in the launch vehicle system.

                                         INDIA's first lunar mission in 2008 - Chandrayaan-1 didn't land on the lunar surface, but it carried out a detailed search for water on the Moon using radars. But This Time Chandrayaan - 2 will land near to South pole region of the moon & the mission will focus on the lunar surface, searching for water and minerals and measuring moonquakes et cetera.
The key point related to this mission is that INDIA  is using its one of the most sturdy rocket Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk-III), in this mission. It weighs 640 tonnes (almost 1.5 times the fully-loaded 747 jumbo jets) and at 44 meters is as high as a 14-story building.


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